No one tells you how awful life is after college. The focus is always on getting you to that point, as if everything will suddenly become easy if you can just make it to the ivy halls of some stand up institution. You will get there and it will dawn on you what you are supposed to do with your life. You will spend the next four years working toward a degree that will magically get you a job as soon as your handed that diploma and the rest is cake.
But its not.
The first year out is like an unending black hole. You move from meaningless existence to meaningless existence and, if you’re like me, you get put through the ringer by the job market. You’re too qualified, or you’re not qualified enough, and just about everyone wants to cop out and offer an unpaid internship as a peace offering. This is when I find myself speechless. I loose the will to send out applications. I lose focus at my “work-to-get-by” job and I find myself staring down the endless spiral once again.
The only thing that gives me any kind of solace is disappearing into a film, or television show. I have always been better at living vicariously through others anyway. This blog is an attempt to save a bitter recent grad from giving up completely on the things she loves.
So, here’s to “the beginning of a beautiful friendship” and all that.