
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tangled: Why Disney Princesses Rock

No matter how many movies I see, there is something about sitting down to watch a Disney film. As an 80’s - 90’s child, these are the types of movies that I grew up on and so I have high standards for Disney’s animated features. It’s been a while since Disney had a real hit, but Tangled reminded me of all the things I love about Disney. With a simple, classic story, a hero and heroine to root for, a bad guy to hate, sidekicks that almost steal the show and songs that are awesome to sing along to, I thought it was a slam dunk.

Deciding to cover Rapunzel was a promising start because this is a classic story that has not been done. Think about it, how many times have we seen the Snow White adaptations (there are two coming out this summer) or the Cinderella stories (there are at least 10 movies I can think of off the top of my head). But who has done Rapunzel? *crickets*

Disney did a great job of explaining a rich background for our heroes without being wordy or boring. The story book at the beginning actually reminded me a lot of Beauty and the Beast, which is genius. The songs were straight to the point and actually fit with what was going on (a problem some movies have, in my opinion).

Sure it was cutesy and predictable, but wasn’t that the point? At the end we all left feeling good, and humming the tunes that were catchy enough to be running through my head, but not annoyingly so. I hope Disney can scrounge up a few more fairy tales to add to the fabled list. And I hope they can execute it as well as Tangled.

Noteworthy: I’m sorry I never tired of watching the horse beat up on Flynn Rider. It’s just great to see him sit on his haunches and punch Flynn clear in the face.

Note: If you like Tangled, look out for Brave, coming out this June.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Facebook Frenzy: The Social Network

I don’t think that people realize just how iconic this movie is. When Facebook was in its fledgling stages social media was just starting to emerge and it wasn’t until this site launched that the craze really got out of control. Now, you can get a job in social media, and most people spend a good amount of their time trolling numerous sites. I have heard lectures on how to use it, and been handed books on how it is redefining marketing. Not to mention, recently been living it through my copy writing job, where part of my time is devoted to writing Facebook posts.

So for me, and many other youths of 21st century, social media is defining our age. One that probably should be aptly named the social media craze because, as much as we each pretend like we hate the damn things, truth is without them, and Facebook specifically, we would have no clue what to do with ourselves. The genius of Facebook in particular is that it is the main source of news on the best topic, people we know. What could be more interesting and more important?

People I recommended this movie to mostly came away saying that the dialogue was too fast and hard to follow and that Mark Zutterberg was a douche. First off, the rapid fire dialogue was prefect because that is our society, especially online.Everything is moving a million miles a minute. Secondly, even though he may be
a jerk, I was always rooting for him. Jesse Eisenburg does a good job of being a confused teenager, who doesn’t fit in and just wants to be somebody. I mean don’t we all? I don’t know anyone who hasn’t made it to the top by pushing some people down. That is our world people, and if you don’t think so you are incredibly niave. I’m not saying its right, but come on, what were you expecting?

Noteworthy: The soundtrack could not have been more perfect for this movie. It was simple, with drops of notes highlighting events. It was modern. It was like facebook. No fuss, straight and to the point.