
Monday, February 20, 2012

What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?

First off, whoever named this movie is a genius, I love this title, and it is so appropriate for this film. A movie about people who are trapped in their own situations could not have been more perfectly portrayed. Though Johnny Depp with long auburn hair took some getting used to.

I was most impressed, however, with the young Leonardo DiCaprio, pre-titanic hype. He brilliantly executed the portrayal of Arnie, a mentally retarded 18 year-old. Having worked with many different mentally disabled children myself, I could see them in him. The way that he moved, and handled his hands was way more accurate than I have seen in previous portrayals (sorry Shia, Leo’s got you beat).

I don’t think you can watch this movie without seeing yourself in someone. Mama is trapped in her own 400 lb. body that embarrasses her so much, it drives her to eat more and trap herself inside the house.  Arnie is trapped in his damaged brain, and is unable to change his behavior no matter how often he is scolded, demonstrated by the fact that he continuously tries to climb up a water tower. The housewife is trapped in a life she didn’t envision for herself, seeking refuge from Gilbert, though I don’t think she ever cares much about that relationship or the one with her husband, seeing as she blatantly tries to sabotage both. Gilbert is simply caught in a world that he believes is impossible to escape from. The movie is gritty and real. Possibly a bit slow as it shows the average, everyday bothers, but it is necessary in creating a true view of this world. Beautifully acted and touching, this one is worth watching.

Noteworthy: Johnny and Leo pre-hype. This movie was before either of them had the pressure to be “true to their image,” so they really succeeded in channeling the characters. They weren’t “Leo as Arnie” or “Johnny as Gilbert,” they really lost themselves. Now don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of both actors still and go see all of their films, but watching Gilbert Grape made me wish they hadn’t gotten so famous and lost that innocence because it really showcased their talent.

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