
Monday, March 19, 2012

John Carter: Stay on your planet

There is something to be said for movies that seek to do something different, and take you to a different world. Though sci-fi movies aren’t my favorite I recently found myself being dragged to John Carter, Disney’s newest “inspirational” film. Based off a book, the plot was nothing special, a civil war vet is transported to Mars where he becomes a hero and adapts to the new surroundings. Of course there are fight scenes with weird creatures and, like any other Disney movie, he falls in love with the native princess. Overall it kind of screamed “adaptation of Avatar” which in itself was an adaptation of Fern Gully, or Pocohantas, depending on your generational preference. So why see this movie? I’m not really sure. 

Though I am a hard core Disney fan, I wouldn’t have minded missing this one. The acting was mediocre at best, the sets were somewhat boring and the costumes were weak. Leaving me thinking this world would be one worth remaining unvisited. Though it is supposed to be a planet that is near destruction, I still expected a level of creativity, color and wonder. After all, John Carter was still supposed to be drawn to it because of its contrast with the real world. The latter part of the plan was well executed; Virginia was dull and drab, with blacks and greys setting the overall tone for earth. But Mars (or Barsoom as they call it) was drab too, just with a stronger use of earth tones. The wonder just wasn’t there, leaving me unimpressed with the made up world. 

The most disappointing part, and where the movie truly failed, was the author’s disregard of John Carter’s new found strength. Though he used his ability to jump we barely see him fight without a weapon. It is pointed out at the beginning, and then disregarded, so why even say it in the first place?

Noteworthy: Though he was a bit frumpy looking, and reminded me of Flubber gone wrong, the little dog that is loyal to Carter throughout the movie adds some comic relief and is adorable. Everyone loves a good pet side kick after all.