
Monday, July 2, 2012

The Avengers: Action Packed Fun

There is just something about a superhero that is appealing. So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that The Avengers was such a knockout hit. For all you people who were worried that you weren’t going to be able to follow because you aren’t a comic book nerd or you haven’t seen all the prequel films, fear not. Though I wouldn’t call this the  "greatest action film of all time,” like some critics, I am a fan of this motley crew and think that they deserve a place on your radar.

I will be the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of CGI, especially in films where the rest is live. So I thought the aliens that were attacking earth, while weird looking, were kind of lame. The plot itself stems from Thor, so if you haven't watched it you should afterward to get the back story. It was smart to have this be the premesis of the movie, however, because Thor had the best plot of the prequels. And the best villian.

I am a huge Loki fan. I have to say that as far as acting goes, even though he is the bad guy, Loki, played by Tom Hiddleson, was amazing. He wasn't just evil for evil's sake, he had a plan and a purpose. You could see the cracks in the surface of his character, like he used to be put together and now he was slightly off his rocker. He straddled the "in control" and "out of control" line expertly. The rest of the acting was above average. Even though he is a jerk, I love Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man because of his quick wit and truly complex personality. Whoever wrote his lines did a great job.

The set was beautiful, and one of my favorite parts of the movie. The designers nailed the futuristic look that also fit with modern society. They did a great job of differentiating outer space, the secret agent aircraft and our world, giving them all different feels that were equally convincing and real (John Carter take note). The costumer also had a challenge because each superhero was so unique, and unlike most group action heroes (Fantastic 4 or Watchmen, for example) they did not look like they fit together at all, which was important because it supplemented the internal turmoil in the story.

Mostly this movie was enjoyable because their was a lot going on, it was easy to follow, and the characters were heroes. Everyone, regardless of their acting skills, did a great job of getting you to root for them, even Hawkeye who is evil the first half of the movie. Though I don't think that it should have beat out Harry Potter or Titanic for opening week records, I can see how this film could be enjoyed by many, and why it earned the top spot.

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