
Friday, July 6, 2012

Ted: Snuggle bear’s coolest accountant

Before I watched this movie I was on the fence.  There is just something weird about a talking teddy bear that swear, drinks and has sex. Then again, at least it’s an original story. My friends gave it rave reviews, so I went with an open mind, hoping that it would live up to the hype. It did, and here’s why.

Let me premise this by saying that if you are a movie snob and only appreciate academy award winners, this is not for you. But if your open to it, besides delivering laughs, Ted had a romantic comedy-esk plot as well as an overall moral. Go figure. Ya, there are a large number of party scenes where they do crazy things, but what were you expecting? This isn’t the Notebook. Ted may be crude, and at sometimes disgusting (there is a scene where there is a shit on the floor, enough said), but he was a great match for Mark Walhberg’s somewhat innocent and immensely immature character, John. It just made sense that someone so lost would have a talking teddy bear as his best friend. Because, as Mila Kunis character points out, how much can someone grow up if they are still bringing their teddy everywhere? I wonder if the writers meant to give Ted a deeper meaning, or if it just happened, because, surprisingly, this bad-mouthed teddy bear has some wisdom to offer. Ted stops fooling around all the time and gets a job. Mark becomes less selfish, more motivated, and begins building a life for himself and his fiancé. Basically, everyone in the film learns how to grow up, a lesson not easily learned and one that I am currently struggling with.

If you are looking for a great example of a well-written comedic script, this is it. The one-liners were awesome, and some of the jokes so unexpected that it kept me interested when the story dragged a bit in the middle. Though many will argue that the Flash Gordon references were stupid, I think they supplemented the idea of immaturity nicely. Especially since that was one of the most ridiculous shows ever to be created.  Overall, Ted did what it was supposed to. It made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my seat, and weep for the demise of humanity all at the same time. Sounds like a winner to me.  

Noteworthy: The White Trash name game was hilarious. Apparently Mark Walhberg named off about 50 girls names in 30 seconds just off the the top of his head. Impressive. 

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